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Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International
Southeast USA

2nd South Florida Men's Advance (Nov. 19-21)

Joaquin Molina (speaker): A well established Miami attorney for many years, Joaquin is also senior pastor of Springs of Life Church in Miami. Friday evening, Joaquin challenged the men with a strong message.

Additional speakers included two Evangelists from Chile. The altar call on Saturday morning was exceptional, as shown in the pictures. More than half of those in attendance came from the Miami area. Five National Directors for FGBMFI participated in the meetings: Milt Thomas, Daniel Cammano, Don Mounts, Harry Bourassa, and Doug Woolley.

Click a picture to see it enlarged


Joaquin Molina

The conference room

The conference room

Milt and Daniel

Daniel and translator

Preacher from Chile

Altar call

Altar call

Altar call

Milt, Don, Daniel

Another preacher from Chile

Harry at the table

Miami guys eating

Doug and some directors & friends eating

Fellowship outside

Godmobile and 3 guys fellowshipping

Doug in his cabin

Tomas Aguilar and Jose Cortez


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